Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reel Facts: Film Quiz #1

For those of you who like a challenge, I thought a little trivia was in order. The featured films range from the 1930s to the early ‘70s.  Put on your thinking caps and head back into Hollywood’s past…answers in a few days. Good luck!

1. Who was the first actress to win three Oscars in three different decades?

2. In the classic comedy Bringing Up Baby, both Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn are looking for Baby. Who is Baby?

3.  “A scavenger hunt is just like a treasure hunt, except in a treasure hunt you find something of value, and in a scavenger hunt, you find things you don't want and the one who wins gets a prize, only there really isn't any prize. It's just the honor of winning because all the money goes to charity, if there's any money left over, but there never is.” Who said it, and from what 1930s film does it come from?

4. Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, and Paul Newman all rejected the same famous detective role. Which one?

5. “A love caught in the fire of revolution” was the tagline for what epic 1960s movie?

6. What two actors have won Oscars for playing the same character?

7. In what film does Elizabeth Taylor admit the following: “Oh Mama, face it. I was the slut of all time.”

8. What 1960s film has Barbara Stanwyck playing a lesbian madam  in  love with one of the new girls?

For another clue you can click on this link:"

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